Behind the Pen with Women in Writing: Samia Abbasi

As we continue to build our Kahani community, we are incorporating new ways to involve fellow creatives, entrepreneurs, and all-around-amazing individuals. This new series we’re starting includes mini Q+A’s with folks we feel represent what Kahani and our team is all about. We aim to cover a variety of topics, industries, and backgrounds - so if you have anyone in mind, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Our fourth edition features Samia Abbasi! Samia (she/her) is a writer, listener, & tea enthusiast who lives in the Bay Area, CA. She has a degree in English (Creative Writing emph.) from Mills College and was a founding team member of Kulfi Beauty. In this season of her life, she is a copywriter & content/brand strategist who works with amazing South Asian women-led DTC businesses. Her blog, Steeped by Samia, is an examination of liminal spaces, memories, digital culture, & her curiosi(teas). You can find her musings at 

Continue reading to get an insight into Samia’s love for writing, reading, and her vision for what Steeped by Samia - and more - will look like!

1. What made you get into writing?

“Writing is my longest & deepest companion. I find comfort in showing up and letting it take on different formats and meanings throughout my life. And if I at least have that, the future feels hopeful.”

Growing up, my summers were spent reading for hours at the library, playing fantastical video games with my siblings, or watching PBS Kids. I enjoyed writing stories in my head and seeing where they’d go. I wrote a romance novel in a notebook (it was iconic!) and secretly passed it around to my friends in middle school. Writing came from that place of care-free, whimsical make-believe. And I draw from that well today. 

Later on, writing was a way for me to make sense of everything, especially liminal moments in life. In my tween years, I became an avid journaler. 15-year-old Samia would write things in her journal like, “Who am I?? I don’t know who I am right now…” (She was so real for that, lol). 

When I had to pick a major in college, English (Creative Writing emphasis) felt right. I didn’t know what I would “do” with it after college; but I knew I wanted to be immersed in words & language. Toward the end of college, I took an impactful seminar called “Professional Survival for Writers”. The author website I had to make for that class is the same website I use today for my blog, Steeped by Samia, and writing portfolio!

So, TLDR: Writing is my longest & deepest companion. I find comfort in showing up and letting it take on different formats and meanings throughout my life. And if I at least have that, the future feels hopeful. 

2. Does your background impact your writing style?

“My name means “listener” in Arabic, and that part of my identity also creeps into my writing. I pay attention to the hidden layer beneath an idea and figure out what it’s trying to tell me at this very moment.”

In my copywriting work for South Asian businesses, I lean into my perspective as an Indian-American, Muslim, & Gen Z woman. I’m always thinking, “What does my community really want to read or see right now?” My writing style is a reflection of that multitude: sprawling sentences peppered with sensory details, a touch of whimsy, and pensive unanswered questions. 

My name means “listener” in Arabic, and that part of my identity also creeps into my writing. I pay attention to the hidden layer beneath an idea and figure out what it’s trying to tell me at this very moment. Recently, I wrote a blog post titled “Chasing a cat through town”, and I had no idea where it was going. I listened for connection points between a Studio Ghibli film, a dream I had, and how I was feeling about life. The atmosphere of that piece makes it one of my favorites!  

3. How have you grown as a writer?

“To place trust in myself to keep going. To enjoy the creation process, experience doubt, and see where it goes. To let myself feel writer’s block and not get hung up on it.” 

Every creative faces tension between the internal and the external with their art. We’re living in a pretty volatile time to be a writer: navigating social media algorithms, AI, a lack of systemic support, and more. At times, it feels easier for me to curl inward instead of putting my writing out there. 

I’ve always known writing was something I can do; but I’m learning that I don’t have to be “the best” at it. I don’t have to aspire to publish a book or have a huge following on social media. I can just be a writer. And it is so freeing! To place trust in myself to keep going. To enjoy the creation process, experience doubt, and see where it goes. To let myself feel writer’s block and not get hung up on it. 

Ultimately, I’m giving space to what feels right. And right now, that’s centering curiosity & community. My friends Renuka and Farial and I are starting Fennel Seed Co. — a platform to let our seen & unseen identities mingle through storytelling and cultivate community for creatives in the Bay Area. I learn so much from writing alongside them!  

4. Who are your favorite authors + books?

I love reading fiction and memoirs / personal essay collections. Here are some of my favorites:

1. A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki

2. In Sensorium: Notes for my People by Tanaïs 

3. The Map of Salt & Stars by Zeyn Joukhadar 

4. Whereabouts by Jhumpa Lahiri

5. Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino

5. What was the inspiration behind Steeped by Samia, and what is your vision for your platform?

“With Steeped by Samia, my vision is to tell stories that are close to my heart. We tend to underestimate our personal stories, but they do help people feel less alone. We can’t always see the impact; it builds over time.”

Steeped by Samia was born from a time when I felt unsure about writing. I wanted to find rhythm & excitement with my writing again. At that point in 2022, I hadn’t written in my blog in almost 2 years. So, I decided to restart it with this new era, Steeped by Samia. On my blog, I simmer on my memories, digital culture, liminal spaces, and more . It’s been over a year now, and it’s so powerful having my own little corner of the internet! 

Our existence online is a time capsule. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about our art & writing being viewed years into the future — by ourselves, loved ones, and future generations. I imagine each Steeped piece as part of a greater narrative of who I’m becoming (no flops here!) and a glimpse into specific seasons of life. 

With Steeped by Samia, my vision is to tell stories that are close to my heart. We tend to underestimate our personal stories, but they do help people feel less alone. We can’t always see the impact; it builds over time. I will continue lending my ear & insights to fellow creatives and people who want to write online but aren’t sure where to start. In the coming year, I would love to create an interview series under Steeped where I talk to cool people about their liminal moments in life and how they’re making sense of time. 

It’s all about following my curiosities & showing up


The Snow Trail


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